Healthy Schools Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala since February 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Fair in Olintepeque, Quetzaltenango

During school vacation week I got to travel to some different towns and visit my PC friends. My favorite activity was visiting Olintepeque which is in the department (Guatemalan version of states) of Quetzaltenango (Xela for short). This cute little town is only about a 15-20 minute camioneta ride away from the city of Xela. Ferias (fairs) are a BIG DEAL in Guatemala. Almost every town has one and they last about a week. It was actually a lot like country-town fairs that I have been to in the U.S. except on a smaller scale and with more costumes, choreographed dances, and marimba music. The feria in my town is coming up in the end of August and I am so excited! Finally I will have something to do here. 

Cool cow
Flying monkeys 
Marimba band
Kendra and Farah playing foosball - Kendra won vs. me, vs. Farah,
and vs. Farah and I together


  1. I'll wager there are no butter cows at the ferias.

  2. Wow. Love the costumes. Now lets work on that foosball game.
