Healthy Schools Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala since February 2013

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Most Fun

I was asked the other day what the funnest part of my day to day life in site is. Normally I would reply in a tongue and cheek manner that there is nothing fun to do in my town, but this isn't completely true. I decided that the funnest parts of my day are usually the unexpected surprises. I think I wrote about this earlier, but my motto is just say yes (especially to invitations) even if I don't really know what I am saying yes to. I rarely know what I am getting into, but it usually works out. This goes hand and hand with "be flexible." I had my afternoon planned out (albeit my plans weren't set in stone or all that exciting), but when my host sisters knocked on my door and told me that they were cooking sheep's heads I grabbed my camera and headed out. They cooked the heads and feet over an open fire of special branches and leaves that will give them a special flavor. The feet will be made into "caldo de pata" hoof soup and then we will eat the brains. Side note: I have had cow hoof soup and it is probably one of my least favorite things that I have ever eaten. This is all being prepared as a special treat for my host brother's birthday.

My host sister Maria
Minako and I in our courtyard
I think I would call this a smile mixed with disgust

I am apparently eating all this tomorrow night. Wish me luck!  


  1. Funnest? Really? Funnest?

    And to think back on those days of Lambaze at Drumlin Farm.

    Try to find some mint jelly to accompany the entrée.

  2. Your unexpected surprises are much better than those we encounter in Cambridge and even Cambridge has some pretty good ones. One question: what happens to the sheep teeth? I admire you honey and look forward to hearing about the birthday dinner. Mom

  3. Wow. Yesterday our neighbors kindly brought over a gift of slices of meatloaf that had been baked with a hard-boiled in the middle - and I thought that was exotic. I think you have shown me the true meaning of exotic. I hope the meal goes well. Do keep us posted.
