Healthy Schools Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala since February 2013

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Artisinal Market in Chichicastenango, Quiché

Quiché is a department in Guatemala and is pronounced Key-che (not like the egg pie). They are famous for their artisanal market in Chichicastenango (Chi chi for short). It is about a 2.5 to 3 hour bus ride from my town. It was a really cool outdoor market with lots and lots to look at and buy. If you are a tourist looking for souvenirs or recuerdos to take home this is the place. I have even heard that it is a little cheaper than the even more tourist-y market in Antigua. I bought a bunch of Christmas gifts here.

A word to the wise - It is very overwhelming! If you don't handle crowds well stay away! Vendors have their stalls that line the pedestrian streets, but there are also people of all ages (mostly women and girls) walking around that will nudge you and try and get you to buy their goods. They can be very persistent. Also DON'T FORGET TO BARGAIN. They will give you the "precio gringo" the gringo/American foreigner price. Guatemalans also bargain for everything they buy, but my guess is that the prices for them starts a little lower. So act like a Guatemalan and be prepared to put in a little extra time if you want to buy anything and bargain! Don't feel bad. It is what you are supposed to do!

The Church through the crowded market

Male traje

1 comment:

  1. How come you didn't get Dad a male traje for Christmas? Keep an eye out for a really colorful one, his birthday is coming up. Great pictures - that sky looks so blue. Love, Mom
